Wspomnienia wigilii Wszystkich Świętych, są we mnie ciągle żywe. Kto by się spodziewał takich mas na ulicach w trakcie wieczornego spaceru. Niewiarygodne! Może coś się zmieniło, może spadł meteoryt? Nieważne, jest inaczej niż parę lat temu. Co do zdjęć, oto kilka eksperymentów ze światłem.
/Memories of the Halloween are still live in me. Who would expect such a lot of people on streets in the course of the evening walk. Incredible! Perhaps something changed, perhaps a meteorite fell? However it's differently than of couples of years ago. about photographs -here a few experiments with the lighting.
Susie is wearing: Asos high heels / No name scarf / Keisuke transparent blouse / H&M skirt/ necklace - Christmas gift/ And you should know my coat from earlier post.
all pics by Caroline
"It seems to me, there's something right,
In celebrating the end of your life.
Let's start again, and sing of pain,
When our life is over, lets not cry.
When our life is over, lets not cry.
Over and over again,
Death becomes our only friend.
Let's all die.
Let's all die.
The only thing, we'll ever know,
Is that we'll end up, somewhere below.
Lose just a dare, to win a game. [...]"
Szczypta optymizmu z piosenki, której możecie posłuchać tutaj KLIK. Nie znam bardziej radosnej piosenki niż ta ;)